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SAF Trainings Guide

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1SAF Trainings Guide Empty SAF Trainings Guide Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:13 pm



New SAF Training Guide

    Junior Trainings
You need to be a Lieutenant+ to host a Junior Training, it must contain: Rots, Obby 1, Firing Combat Arena, Classroom, Teaching some basic knowledge about the rules
( ).

In the Classroom, you will test/teach them some of the basic rules and the basic Russian (Basic Russian: Da, Nyet, Ser, Ponimal, Spasibo, Ogon, Syad'te), you will say the words in English and let them repeat in Russian.

Other Obstacle Courses, Firing range, Parachute are optional.

After you finish, make sure that everyone is in the discord: CySnnwE -Should be announced with :N-.

Enlistees - Privates get instant promotion if they pass, Lance Corporals need two Promotion Points and after they gain it they'll have to pass an NCO tryout with the approval of the XO. YOU MAY NOT PROMOTE ANY INDIVIDUAL TO CORPORAL+ WITHOUT THE XO'S PERMISSION, IF CAUGHT DOING SO, YOU HAVE A RISK OF BEING DEMOTED/FIRED!

Failure to teach the Trainees these skills will get your rank to be set back to Lance Corporal as a learning process.

   Senior Trainings
You need to be a Major+ to host a Senior Training (NCOs Training), with all your maturity and seriousness, you're training None Commissioned Officers, keep that in mind. Corporals+ can attend and the Lance Corporals to tryout.

You will make them host Marches while moving from a place to another, you will make one of them teach the basic Russian while you sit on the supervisor seat, they will explain Rots, host Obstacle Courses, hosting the Firing Range, not all of the Trainees, you will distribute one for Rots and one for Classroom, etc.

After you finish you will pick the ones who passed -Must be hard to accept-. DM the XO the names of who passed.

Note: You'll need the XO's or CO's approval to host a Senior Training.

Failure to teach the Trainees these skills will get your rank to be set back to Lieutenant as a learning process.

   Coalition Training            (Most Recommended)
You need to be a Major+ to host a Coalition Training. In Coalition Trainings you'll treat Enlistees-Lance Corporals as if it's a Junior Training while letting NCOs help you in hosting as Senior Trainings.

You'll need Major General+ approval to host a Coalition Training.

Trainings with teamwork (optional)

You can make them do everything together, Obstacle Courses as an example you let 2 STS together and move step by step and when one of them falls they both fall. Or in shooting combats and other combats by making them 2vs2 or 3vs3 and giving them a minute to make their plans.

Marshal of the Soviet Armed Forces,

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